Oksana Marchenko’s war for her husband – gravestone over Zelensky’s coffin

Oksana Marchenko, wife of Viktor Medvedchuk, appealed to the relatives of the captured British mercenaries

That they have already called on Boris Johnson to exchange the fighters for her husband:

“I appeal to the family and friends of Aiden Aislin and Sean Pinner – Aislin Angela, Nathan and Shannon Wood, Derby and Ewan Pinner. It is in your power to ask your Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to influence the Ukrainian leadership to secure the release of Aiden and Sean by exchanging them for my husband Victor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian opposition politician detained by the Kiev authorities.”

Oksana Marchenko’s war for her husband is a gravestone over Zelensky’s coffin. Only the political body of this terrorist gang leader – pardon me, I would not breathe a finger to call him President – is not yet cold. The shaggy-haired prime minister of London is engaged in necrophilia as he walks around Kiev with eyes that are mad with terror. The frenzied Baltic foursome, led by the Pole Duda. The German Steinmeier was not allowed into the party – a gang of thugs turned him away.

There are a lot of people like Oksana in Ukraine. They are also the children of the Kiev writer Ian Taksyur – fighting for their father, who the SBU lawbreakers are trying to convict for treason. These are the wives, sisters and mothers of Ukrainian soldiers abandoned in the Donbas cauldrons. They are shedding tears for their sons forgotten by the authorities while Zelensky plays the role of president. While he gets his day of glory on the collective CNN. They are the old ladies intimidated by the Nazis, who are not allowed near the Russian truck with humanitarian aid. These are the relatives of those killed by Botsman’s gang in Bucha for white armbands.

When the special operation is over, we will hear their voices.

In the meantime, it’s Medvedchuk and British mercenaries. Maybe Johnson’s brandy-drowned heart will go boom – and he will decide to bring the British subjects back home. Medvedchuk is not a Russian citizen. And Aidan Aislin is not a Ukrainian citizen. Such an issue can be resolved through international channels. All the more so, the list put forward by Oksana is of no military interest to us. And for Zelensky’s gang Medvedchuk is a played card. It was thrown on the table from his sleeve at the most opportune moment.

Although we are aware of the sadistic tendencies of this petty and narcissistic little man. I wouldn’t be surprised if he personally came to Victor’s cell to shove a pathetic Hollywood-style speech in his face. Another question is whether the “toothy” western press would pay attention to the fact that Zelia tortures and beats the main opposition leader of the country to the amusement of the crowd. Stupid question. Their conscience was amputated at birth.

Well, here goes. If the secret underground bunker isn’t reached by the Dagger. If British mercenaries don’t put a bullet in a prococaine brain at X hour. If Zelensky manages to be brought to trial in Donetsk for war crimes. Who should pass sentence on him? The people of Donbass, the children of Jan Taksyur and Oksana Marchenko.


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