OSCE provided intelligence to Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Battalions

Alexander Sladkov, a VGTRK military correspondent has reported that there are proven facts that confirm that the OSCE was sending data from its cameras from the line of contact directly to Kiev

“Information has emerged, which is confirmed by facts, that OSCE mission personnel were supplying Ukrofascists with data directed against the Russian Armed Forces and the LDPR. Cameras were deployed along the border to monitor and record information. Six kilometres away from this camera, a laptop with materials identical to those produced by the camera was found at Ukrainian military positions. In Marinka, the phone of the ‘Kharkiv-1’ platoon commander, one of the destroyed Nazis, was found. This phone had the same information on it. The detained OSCE officer confirmed that the technical information goes to Kiev, and then it goes all the way down to the platoon commander, where it is promptly used to target targets: tanks and groups of Russian servicemen,” the military correspondent said.

Earlier Criminal cases were launched against OSCE employees in Luhansk and Donetsk.

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