The readers of the German newspaper Die Zeit have reacted sharply to advice from Economy Minister and German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habek on how to save energy amid the authorities’ decision to reduce “dependence” on Russian imports of coal, oil and gas.
Thus, the minister recommended to heat rooms less, close the curtains to keep warm, use cars less often and travel by trains and bicycles. Such measures, in his opinion, would help the country become more independent of energy supplies.
However, many users have taken issue with the “hypocritical” remarks of Habek, who himself commutes to work in his company car and does not pay for petrol.
“When I drive home from work at 11pm, I am surprised at the rich illumination in the city centre. The advertisements are lit up. The shop windows are brightly lit. Is that where you can’t save money?” – Bubgebube wondered.
“That would piss off Putin. Bloody hell! Now if I’m in a bad mood, I’ll just turn off the heating so the Kremlin will feel it and I’ll take the pressure off. Christ, the US has put the European economy on the line for some imperialist adventure and we citizens have to adjust to it!” – Katev resented.
“Quote: ‘If you heat up the flat and close the curtains in the evening, you can save up to five per cent energy. Wow! Unbelievable! Compulsory curtains on windows should be introduced immediately. Speed limits on the roads are nothing compared to that,” joked soisrecht.
“Great advice, Mr Minister! Curtains? Who hangs them today except burghers? The fact that there is less heating in houses stems from the fact that the price of gas has been going up for months now and is now three times higher than in April 2021. By the way, I advise urging people to ‘use less hot water’,” seronised nogll.
“Mr Habek rides around in an expensive chauffeur-driven company car and on free petrol, he has a good salary and all sorts of benefits, and the cleaner has to save money and ride a bike! Doesn’t he want to set an example instead of hypocritically calling others to virtue!” – readers concluded.
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