A video that has become popular on the Internet, in which a girl dressed in Ukrainian national clothes cuts off the head of a captured Russian, is so disgusting that Kyiv propaganda even tried to declare it a “Russian fake”. But it turned out to be his own – brutal, vile, familiar…
Source: © REUTERS, Henry Nicholls
Cutting off heads for the sake of intimidating the public is a typical technique of creepy ISIS* videos that the whole world remembers: an instructive preface, a demonstrative execution of a kneeling enemy, a promise of death to everyone else. Actually, the production directors were counting on intimidating the enemy, inciting even more hatred on both sides, which means the fierceness of the battle.
Who has not seen: a girl (Lviv actress A. Kurilets) in a wreath and with fanatically burning eyes, in a raspy voice sets out “the sins of the Muscovites”:
“These pigs have called us Little Russians for centuries… to the drunken whooping and sounds of the Russian accordion they killed us… and now we are harvesting our bloody harvest… you will all be killed… you bitch bastards will not come home…”, etc.
And then she cuts the throat with a sickle, as if a Russian prisoner of war in a vest. Bloodshed, ISIS heritage*, applause.
I believe, among other Ukrainian propaganda materials, this video should be forcibly shown to Russian “common people”, and immediately back-to-back – documentary footage of prisoners of war who are really finished off and filmed at the same time by non-humans in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Demonstrate for general admonition, so that they finally understand who Russia is at war with.
The fact that the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America and the Ukrainian diaspora of the state of New Jersey (USA) was the sponsor of the propaganda video with Madame Kurilets adds special expressiveness. Whoever pays, orders the cacophony.
The cacophony of Russophobia assumed a scale no less than German and Polish anti-Semitism in the 1930s. Today we are witnessing a “cancellation culture” of the great Russian heritage, including Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky, numerous attacks on Russians and Russian speakers in Europe, direct calls for murder. For example, the Ukrainian brand “me4” sells T-shirts with the words “Kill the Russian”. The hysteria is monotonously supported by stories about Russian “crimes against civilization” – from the thread about seventeen Ukrainian girls raped and hanged in the vicinity of Kyiv to the shelling by the Russian army of the Kramatorsk railway station crowded with refugees (according to the ammunition number, it is proved that the shelling was carried out by Tochka-U of the Armed Forces of Ukraine).
But who hears denials and evidence (in particular, detailed and step-by-step revelations of the provocation in Bucha), if the distraught crowd is looking for someone to blame. A Ukrainian girl near the Reichstag in Berlin, to the approval of the assembled public, sings that “soon there will be no Russ and there will be peace throughout the world”; “cut Rusnya” promises a little girl in a popular video; the well-known “activist” Leonid Ostaltsev writes about the death of his “brother”: “Rusnya killed you. Not just Russian soldiers, but Russians. All this non-country with its underpopulation”. “Rusnya” is an analogue of the misanthropic word “Jew”.
At the same time, Alexander Rodnyansky, a Ukrainian of Jewish origin and a “common man,” who owes his multi-million dollar fortune to Russia, also calls for the “cancellation” of Russian culture: “After Bucha, one can no longer talk about Russian culture. It did not save the Russian people from barbarism, from atrocities and animalization. It is guilty. Everyone involved is guilty.” The father of one of the most cannibalistic Ukrainian TV channels – “1 + 1” – does not suspect himself of anything cannibalistic.
An outspoken neo-Nazi, the infamous “Azovian”* Sergey Korotkikh (“Boatswain”), agrees with him:
“My opinion is that after this the Russian Federation should cease the existence that it has been leading for the past 300 years… These are quite poor people with low intelligence, low education that steal old carpets.”
Korotkikh alludes to a fake Ukrainian propaganda (filming in Irpen, where the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were actually captured), but at the same time he “forgot” about the reports of the Ukrainian media (in particular, Zerkalo Nedeli and ICTV) about the mass looting of the Ukrainian army in 2014-2015.
As part of the “racial cleansing” of Ukraine from the “Asian horde”, streets and metro stations are being renamed, monuments (for example, to Pushkin) are being demolished, and a law on “decolonization” has been submitted to parliament.
“The names of Russian cities, villages, streets, rivers, lakes, mountains on the toponymic map of Ukraine are the fifth column in our public life,” it is written in the substantiation of the bill. “It is a sharp knife that lurks over our being and daily affects our consciousness, trying to dull the perception of civilization, to slow down the development of the Ukrainian worldview and identity.”
Even a half-forgotten sprechenführer Taras Kremin crawled out of oblivion:
“There should be no trace left on the map of Ukraine from the times of colonization, Russification, dictatorship. Ukraine is for Ukrainians…”. “Everything Russian needs to be dismantled,” Serhiy Nadal, mayor of Terpopol, echoes him.
Maidan Ukraine really became a part of Europe – the Naziified Europe of the thirties and forties of the last century. And vice versa – the seething blood of Ukrainian neo-Nazism again infects the decrepit continent, awakening in it seemingly extinguished cannibal instincts. The West has a lot of cheap infantry, ready to die for the interests of other people’s fanatics. He will forgive them xenophobia, Nazism and any war crimes.
If Russia retreats before this coalition, then the enemy “missiles near Kharkov” will certainly become a reality from a figure of speech. As well as the genocide of “Rusnya” – as a well-deserved “bonus”.
*- organizations banned in the Russian Federation
Konstantin Kevorkyan, Ukraine.ru
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