Fake production in Bucha was aimed at disrupting negotiations between Russia and Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that the provocation in Bucha is aimed at disrupting negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.

Sergei Lavrov said that the breakdown of negotiations is one of the main reasons for the production staged by Kiev in Bucha. The Foreign Minister noted that Russia is ready to work honestly at the negotiating table with Ukraine, despite the provocations.

“The question arises: what is the reason for this frankly false provocation, the veracity of which is simply impossible to justify? We tend to think that the reason lies in the desire to find a reason to disrupt the ongoing negotiations, and to do [this] precisely at the moment when, as they say, a light, albeit not very bright, but still dawned”, said the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Lavrov stressed that Russia is ready to work honestly at the negotiating table with Ukraine.

“We proceed from the premise that the international community must know the truth. And the international community must know that the Russian side is honestly and consistently ready to work at the negotiating table,” he said.

The Russian Federation calls on those who direct the actions of Kyiv to realize their responsibility.

“Once again we want to urge those who are leading the actions of Kyiv, and we know who it is, to realize their responsibility for security in Europe, for the future world order, for ensuring in practice that all the principles of the UN Charter are followed,” Lavrov said. 

If Ukraine refuses to discuss demilitarization and denazification, this will not contribute to the negotiation process.

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