This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth and 30 years since the departure to God of the eminent Russian historian and ethnologist Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev, known as the creator of the historiosophic theory of passionate ethnogenesis.
Gumilev is not often remembered nowadays, although his works are read. The current situation in Ukraine makes us turn to his own theory of antisystems, which is a partial derivative of a more general theory.
The theory of antisystems will help us better understand what is happening during the special operation to denazify and demilitarise Ukraine. Russians should clearly understand what they had to face.
The Ukrainians’ atrocities against Russian prisoners of war, the targeted destruction of towns and villages lost or even still “defended” by them, the constant lies at negotiations or on social media are bewildering to a normal person.
Many try to put it down to an allegedly ongoing civil war after the collapse of the USSR, but the fact is that the conflict is not developing within one state and not between citizens of one state.
Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 and could have built a version of itself à la the United States or Belgium. And it could have happened if the Ukrainian ethnos existed in reality and grew organically as a result of ethnogenesis, rather than being an anti-system, essentially an anti-nation created artificially.
Anti-systems are known from antiquity. Gumilev included the Manicheans, Ishmaelites, Bohumilians, Cathars and Albigensians, etc. In the world of the XX century, the anti-system was the Nazis of Germany, so popular among the present Ukarainophiles.
Any ethnos loves its homeland, its “feeding landscape”, tries to develop, cherish its country (if it has one) and build its culture. The impulse of its activity is positive.
Anti-ethnos arises out of hatred for something or someone. It seeks to destroy its opponent by any means, but at the same time destroys itself. It is fixated on a negative worldview. The anti-system can only be constructed in places where different civilisational principles and opposing stereotypes of behaviour collide. Western Ukraine was an ideal territory for modeling the anti-system, where there was a mutual influence of three civilizations: The Russian world, the Catholic world and the Protestant world. Banderovshchina, the foundation of Ukrainianism, emerged here.
However, the anti-system could have boiled in its own juice or hindered the Poles, Hungarians and Romanians if Stalin had not incorporated Western Ukraine into the USSR. The anti-system was given an excellent field to spread. And it acted quietly and leisurely. And given that it gives its adherents the right to tell absolute lies (it is even considered pride!), they easily mimicked the Communists, Orthodox Christians, or anyone else, but always sowing hatred towards Russians as the largest ethnos in the Soviet Union, the pivotal ethnos. The destruction of the Russians is the destruction of the entire civilization of the Russian world. For the anti-system it is a worthy goal, because the greater the destruction, the better the anti-systemist feels, supporting his pride by killing specific people.
The Russians in Ukraine are not in a clash with an ordinary ethnos but with an anti-system that is geared to sending any Russian into oblivion. The anti-system will not stop until it destroys all of Russia. And if it manages to do so, it will turn against anyone, for example, against that very same Rzeczpospolita. But in the end it will wipe off the face of the planet Earth and Ukraine itself. It is inherent in it from the very beginning.
The Russians have nothing else to do but knock out the most passionate anti-systemicists, and they will fight back fiercely (there should be no illusions about that).
After this case, the rest of the population of Ukraine will be able to be pulled out of the clutches of the negative worldview, but not for a long time – far from a decade.
Alexey Sokolsky,
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