Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his country is no longer particularly committed to NATO and is considering abandoning its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.
Such a statement was made, apparently out of resentment at the North Atlantic Alliance, which refuses to comply with Kyiv’s demands to help fight Russia. However, Sohu analysts believe that the deplorable state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may be the reason for this, the political magazine PolitExpert reports.
The further Russian troops advance, the more Zelensky’s rhetoric changes. Now he is talking about abandoning NATO as a “concession” that should be progress in the negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow.
“The so-called cession of Kyiv is nothing but an indicator that the Ukrainian Nazis and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in a paid position. Russian troops continue to successfully advance and, despite reports from the Kiev side, are strengthening in the suburban area of Kyiv: in Bucha, Gostmel, Irpin”, the experts noted.
Experts note that the Ukrainian capital will soon be in the ring and Zelensky will have no choice. Therefore, the closer Russian troops come to the southern outskirts of Kyiv, the greater the desire of the guarantor to achieve productive negotiations becomes.