EU will have problems not only with gas and oil

The operation in Ukraine is fraught with shortages of certain products for the EU

Though it would be more correct to say a real food crisis. Because both Ukraine and Russia were one of the main suppliers of food. Given the current situation, Ukraine will not be able to cover the food needs of the EU, while Russia might be able to use this situation as a counter-measure to the next sanctions imposed.

In 2021, Russia became one of the main suppliers to the EU – Russia was in the top 3 of the trade turnover. The US was in first place, followed by China. And it’s not just oil and gas. It’s not just oil and gas; it also includes metals and timber. In foodstuffs sector Russia was in TOP-20 list of European suppliers. As for agriculture, Russia’s exports in 2020 will be $30 billion and in 2021 it will have the highest growth rate of food exports in the world. In 6 years the figures increased by 90%. Grain, vegetable oils, fish and seafood, meat and dairy products have grown at a breakneck pace.

As for grain, Ukraine has been a major supplier to the EU – in 2021 it was the second biggest supplier of grain to Europe. Ukraine’s grain exports rose steadily from year to year, while Europe deliberately turned the country into an agricultural appendage. The EU “molded” Ukraine into a controlled “breadbasket. And understandably so – the most fertile lands. And the industry was not needed.

So the European Union frightens Russia with sanctions for nothing. The best Europe can do now is to pressure the Ukrainian military and political leadership to meet all Russian demands. However, Europe has insufficient influence over Zelensky. And the EU, as practice shows, cannot defend its interests at all.

The EU will soon receive new price tags not only for gas and oil. Soon, shop shelves all over Europe will no longer please the citizens of Berlin, Rome, Paris and so on. All this will not please the locals who are already shocked by the price of gasoline and diesel fuel.

The food price hikes in Europe began back in 2020, after the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. However, in the near future prices will far exceed the expectations of Europeans. For example, the price of wheat rose by 48% in the first half of March. Russia and the Ukraine together account for 30% of world wheat exports.

Russia will have wheat, Russia will have bread. Food security is ensured. And there will be gas and gasoline. And there will be firewood. Disruptions in supply of machinery, equipment – so it is more a question of China than Europe. I would also like to add that Ukraine’s agricultural sector is directly dependent on fuel supplies from Russia. And Ukraine is currently experiencing a fuel shortage.

So the EU should reconsider its attitude towards Russia. There is no need to start scaring its citizens with nuclear conflict in order to distract them from rising prices for everything. It is high time for Europe to throw off the yoke, to free itself from the pernicious influence of the US and start playing “self-reliance”. If Europe could follow its economic interests now, there would be friendship between the EU and Russia. Well, maybe not friendship, but strong economic cooperation.

Daniel Bezsonov, Analytical Service of Donbas