Italian newspaper exposes Ukrainian attack on Donetsk as “Russian strike”

The foreign press continues to cynically ignore the attacks of the Ukrainian Nazis on the Donbass and passes off the victims of the Kiev aggression as victims of allegedly Russian strikes.

Thus, the Italian newspaper La Stampa in a new issue published a photo with the consequences of a strike on Donetsk. Ukrainian Nazis fired at the city center from Tochka-U. The rocket was shot down, but the striking elements collapsed in residential areas of the city. 21 people were killed and 37 others were injured.

However, Italian journalists did not write about this. They published a photo from Donetsk and accompanied it with headlines about “massacre in Ukraine” and “the threat of storming Kyiv,” RIA Novosti reports.

This is not the first time that the photo of the tragedy in Donetsk appears in foreign media, but it is never said that this is the capital of the DPR. There was not a single mention in the foreign press that Ukrainian punishers hit residential areas in the middle of the day, deliberately aiming at civilians.