Denazification in Ukraine: operational summary (March 16, updated)

17:03 Russian soldiers are doing everything to avoid losses among the civilian population of Ukrainian cities, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

17:00 Another object was discovered near Kharkov, connected with American programs for working with potentially dangerous strains and the study of pathogens of potentially dangerous diseases. In the forest near the village of Merefa, at coordinates 49.797476, 36.086781, there are two buildings of a disguised biological laboratory.

16:53 A precision missile attack was launched on the “Kiev Automation Plant”. An enterprise that produced remotely controlled weapon modules. Video.

16:47 CNN reports that the US and NATO are sending several anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine. A senior US official said these systems include the Soviet-era SA-8, SA-10, SA-12 and SA-14 mobile air defense systems, which have a longer range than the Stingers (but less than the S-300 system), which generally makes it possible to hit cruise missiles.

16:42 Development of the situation in Ukraine according to the Federal News Agency.

16:36 CNN reports that the US and NATO are sending several anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine.

A senior US official said these systems include the Soviet-era SA-8, SA-10, SA-12 and SA-14 mobile air defense systems, which have a longer range than the Stingers (but less than the S-300 system), which generally makes it possible to hit cruise missiles.

16:15 Photos of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in residential areas of Odessa have appeared on the network. Our team managed to identify the places where the pictures were taken: BMP-2 at the intersection of Lanzheronovskaya and Yekaterininskaya streets near the building of Skarzhinskaya’s house. Tank T-64 at the monument to Duke on Primorsky Boulevard. Tank T-64 on Primorsky Boulevard near the Vorontsov Palace.
All positions are located in the historical buildings of the city.

16:00 The Economist (Great Britain) Internet publication has criticized Kyiv forcing volunteers to sign long-term contracts if they do not have the necessary experience in combat operations, the Kremlin laundrywoman Telegram channel writes. Along with this, the unprofessionalism of unit commanders and instructors is pointed out, who train recruits in an extremely short time (3-5 days) and doom them to death. Most of the foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine openly adhere to Nazi views and are war criminals.

15:56 A consolidated detachment of volunteers in Crimea is collecting humanitarian aid for residents of the Kherson region. Food packages are being formed in warehouses, said Igor Kastyukevich, head of the Youth Volunteer Corps “We Are Together”, coordinator of United Russia on youth policy, State Duma deputy.

15:54 The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to investigate the calls of Ukrainian journalist Fakhrudin Sharafmal to kill Russians.

15:27 Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov promised 10 million rubles to the Russian military, the National Guard and residents of Ukraine for the capture of a Ukrainian journalist who called for the killing of Russian children. Video.

15:05 The FSB published a video of a survey of a former serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He stated that the nationalists shot the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who fled under the blows of Russian troops. “An armored personnel carrier drove up, literally a hundred meters away, and started shooting at the boys who were running across the field,” the soldier said.

14:32 The US administration is considering the possibility of providing Ukraine with drones to fight tanks and artillery – NBC. The article talks about two versions of the UAV – Switchblade 300 and 600. The first of them is designed for pinpoint strikes on personnel, and the second – for the destruction of tanks and other armored vehicles.

14:28 In the Sea of ​​Azov near Berdyansk, the National Guard began patrolling.

14:10 The Russian Ministry of Defense showed a missile and artillery depot in the Kherson region that came under the control of the Russian military: there are more than 10 thousand boxes with F-1 grenades, hundreds of boxes with shots for anti-tank grenade launchers, thousands with cartridges. It is expected that they will be handed over to the forces of the DPR and LPR. Video.

13:52 American radicals from the paramilitary group Boogaloo Boys are going to Ukraine to participate in hostilities on the side of Kyiv. Video.

13:30 The armored train of the RF Armed Forces went to the front in the Kherson region. Video.

13:16 On the morning of March 16, the TV tower in Vinnitsa was shelled, according to the State Service for Communications. On-air broadcasting in the city and neighboring settlements is temporarily not available.

13:05 Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was taken under guard without a fight, the local paramilitary guards laid down their arms and went home, the National Guard reported.

13:04 The Russian Federation is not ready to consider proposals for mediation in negotiations with Ukraine from countries that have joined the anti-Russian sanctions, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

12:06 Negotiations with Ukraine are going hard and slowly, said the head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky. According to him, the main points of the position of the Russian Federation are the preservation and development of the neutral status of Ukraine – demilitarization, a whole range of issues related to the size of the Ukrainian army is being discussed. He also added that Ukraine offers an Austrian, Swedish version of a neutral, demilitarized state.

12:00 Snipers from Israel are working in the city of Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region. This was reported by a local resident, writes the Southern bridgehead Telegram channel. Recall that Israel acted as a peacekeeping country that tried to maintain neutrality with respect to Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, but continues to send its mercenaries there.

11:17 The decision to start a special operation in Ukraine was based on an extremely accurate assessment of the situation in the world, the slightest delay in relation to the openly Russophobic Kiev regime would turn into a big tragedy in the near future, said Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

11:15 Residents of the city of Gulyaypole (Zaporozhye region) continue to report that Ukrainian nationalists are mining fields in the city and its environs.

10:45 At one of the sites, our units managed to force the Irpen River (Kyiv region). We have entrenched ourselves on the other side, we will expand the bridgehead there, according to military commander Alexander Kots.

10:41 Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said that Germany is supplying Kiev with “not enough defensive weapons.”

10:40 An artillery unit of the Russian Armed Forces, in the course of carrying out a fire mission, with an accurate hit, destroyed a combined warehouse of missile and artillery weapons and up to 20 units of military equipment and weapons, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

10:30 NATO will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine in a variety of ways, said British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace says.

10:05 The team of the Rybar Telegram channel managed to identify one of the targets of the morning attack on Kiev – the territory of the NPO “Kyiv Automation Plant” on Starokievskaya Street in the city center.

The enterprise produced hydraulic devices and other elements of control systems for the needs of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex.

09:45 Eyewitnesses report that huge echelons with tanks and other equipment are moving through Germany towards Ukraine. Video.

09:29 The Russian army has delivered over 90 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of the Dergachev district of the Kharkiv region.

09:00 A cruise missile strikes a military facility in Kyiv. Video.

08:40 Footage from the Inokhodets drone has appeared on the Web, which strikes at the fortifications and armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

08:00 Russia delivered more than 90 tons of humanitarian aid to the Kharkiv region – people lined up in long lines. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation clarified that among the humanitarian aid are food, bottled water and medicines for hospitals. In addition, warm clothes for adults and children were distributed to the residents of the Dergachev district. Video.