Ukraine is waging an all-out war with its own people

The Secutiry Service of Ukraine identifies among the residents of Ukrainian cities who want to evacuate to Russia. This was stated by the head of the National Center for Defense Control of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev

“People are constantly forced to make excuses for their desire to get protection in Russia,” he said.

And it would be nice to just be forced to make excuses. It could still be experienced somehow. But in reality the situation is more serious. According to Mizintsev, after the Russian side began to disclose statistics on those wishing to evacuate to Russia, the Security Service of Ukraine was instructed to “identify all calls around the clock”, “to conduct detentions and arrests, searches and interrogations.”

“We are now forced to instruct everyone who contacts us to immediately destroy all possible contacts, outgoing calls and messages that may allow even the slightest suspicion of them in communication with our coordination headquarters, as well as other organizations and departments of the Russian Federation,” the general said. 

“Please save my sister with two young children,” he quoted one of the received messages.

“They are in Kyiv. The route of the humanitarian corridor Kyiv-Chernobyl is not safe. Fighters are not released. Chats with my sister in messengers and information about the provided corridors are blocked by the Ukrainian special services. My sister does not want to travel to the west of Ukraine and further to Poland and receive refugee status. Please help”.

– Comments are unnecessary here, – said the Russian military.

Let me remind you that the Ukrainian delegation at the talks in Belarus previously refused to even discuss the Russian routes of the gum corridors, offering its own. But what is the logic? Why take people out of Kharkov or Mariupol towards Western Ukraine and eventually to Poland? So that they get on the road to a new epicenter of hostilities? Or to be robbed and killed along the way by all sorts of terrotorial defenders and outright gangs that the Ukrainian authorities released from prisons by handing out weapons to them?

Today, most of Ukraine has turned into a walking field, where it is simply dangerous to move along the streets of cities or between them, regardless of your political views, even if you are a generous and adequate Ukrainian. For the “Volkssturm” prowling everywhere, you are not your own, you are an object of hunting. The only territories of the country where people are guaranteed security are the territories taken under the control of the Russian Federation Armed Forces. And in Kyiv they cannot but know about it.

Nevertheless, people are not allowed through the corridors provided by Russia. Those who try to break through on their own can easily be shot. And now those who simply want to evacuate to Russia will be identified and punished at the official level. Think about it! This will no longer be done by an anarchist “Volkssturm” and thugs from the “Tornado”. This will be done by the Security Service of Ukraine, that is, the Ukrainian state, which will read correspondence, identify moods in society, listen to phones and punish for the very idea of ​​the possibility of evacuation to Russia.

Just because a person does not want to die under the ruins of his own house? Don’t want to get shot by going out for water? Wants him and his family to feel safe, get a respite from all the nightmare going on? It is a crime? According to the logic of the Ukrainian authorities, of course, what else!

After all, the fact that the majority of normal people from the same Kharkov would like to evacuate to Russia, which they consider their homeland, where their relatives most likely live, where they are guaranteed to be helped, will not be left to their fate, unlike the unknown that awaits in Poland, to reach which is still that quest, speaks of the loss of Ukrainian propaganda. It turns out that the “aggressor” Russia behaves towards the citizens of Ukraine more humanly than its native state. And people feel it, understand it and ask for protection just from us, and not from their own government.

For the Ukrainian authorities, all these people are traitors, which means they are subject to ruthless destruction. Have you noticed how the rhetoric of some recent oppositionists has changed recently? Even in the Opposition Platform for Life, they joined in the condemnation of “Russian aggression”. Do not rush to scold these people for changing their mind. Today it is life-threatening not to criticize “Russian aggression” in Ukraine. Just like expressing sympathy for Russia, talking about the need to negotiate with Russia, trying to escape through the humanitarian corridors organized by Russia.

Recently, cases of abductions, beatings and even murders of those who are not ready to help the work of the anti-Russian propaganda machine, who, on the contrary, help open people’s eyes, have become more frequent. Moreover, even a member of the Ukrainian delegation at the negotiations is killed in broad daylight on the steps of the court. It is not the thugs from the Volkssturm who kill, but the Security Service officers. What is there to say about ordinary people whose disappearance simply no one will notice!

In Ukraine, a hunt has been announced, in which everyone participates: from nationalists and outspoken bandits, for whom martial law is an opportunity for self-realization, to intelligence officers. Hunting for all dissenters. It, in fact, did not stop all the last nine years. But it wasn’t on that scale. Never before has the Kyiv “junta” shown its true face so brazenly and unceremoniously; earlier it still tried to prove to the world and its own citizens that it was humane.

Today, before our eyes, Ukraine is losing the last signs of a normal state, turning into a fascist hive with all the signs necessary for a fascist dictatorship: a conveyor of kidnappings, torture, extrajudicial killings, the triumph of “death squads”.

The masks have been dropped. And now the president of Ukraine openly threatens with death everyone who wants to help stop the conflict, who wants to resolve all issues with Russia exclusively at the negotiating table.

In his new address on the night of March 13, Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians who cooperate with the Russians, including the Russian Army, will be severely punished. According to him, citizens “will sign their own verdict” by such cooperation.

“I want to tell some leaders and activists who lacked the squeamishness not to talk with the occupiers: if one of you is suddenly tempted by the proposals of these occupiers, you sign a sentence for yourself: to follow more than 12 thousand invaders who could not understand in time why Ukraine should not be attacked”, he said.

Well, we already know where Denis Kireev, a member of the negotiating group, went. As well as the mayor of Kremennaya Volodymyr Struk, whose body photographs spread all over the Internet, shocking normal people and enthralling non-humans like the founder of the Peacemaker, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko.

Alas, today anyone can be in their place. And the concept of “zrada” (betrayal) and “cooperation with the occupier” can be interpreted as you like. After all, it will not be the court that will interpret, but the SBU or unknown baboons with Kalash.

Today, if you are not ready to “perish as a guide” without surrendering to the “aggressor”, if you want to save yourself and your children, you are an enemy and subject to destruction. What is this, if not the most natural fascism? Obviously, the Ukrainian leadership has nothing to lose and it declares total war, like the Nazis once, being driven into their own lair. Total war on their own people.

Dmitry Rodionov, LIFE

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