Bloody Nazi regime: Ukrainian Armed Forces shell Donetsk center with Tochka-U ballistic missile, casualties among civilians are reported

The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the center of Donetsk with a Tochka-U ballistic missile using banned cluster munitions. As a result of the attack, 17 people were killed, including children, and another 36 civilians were injured. The DPR qualified this crime as a terrorist attack committed with the aim of genocide.

Here is the footage of the Donetsk center shelling by the Tochka U ballistic missile from different angles:

The shelling of Donetsk “Tochka-U” was carried out by Ukrainian nationalists of the 19th missile brigade from the vicinity of Krasnoarmeysk, the DPR People’s Militia said in a statement.

“This is a barbaric, monstrous war crime by the Ukrainian regime”, Denis Pushilin said, commenting on the attempted strike by Tochka-U on Donetsk.

He added that the Armed Forces of Ukraine deliberately struck a residential area in the daytime:

“You see here shops, banks, here is a common component of peacetime. Nevertheless, the impression is created that they shot deliberately in order to cause as much harm as possible”.

The Tochka-U missile attack on Donetsk once again confirms the Nazi and anti-human essence of the current ruling regime in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said.


Russian Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case against three commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the fact of a missile attack on Donetsk.

The investigation established that on March 14, 2022 at approximately 11:30 a.m., servicemen of the 19th Rocket Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, executing a deliberately illegal order of the Commander of the Joint Forces Forces, Lieutenant General Pavlyuk Oleksandr Alekseevich, born on 20.08.1970, Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Vyacheslav Yuryevich Gorbylev, born on 25.01.1963, and the commander of the 19th missile brigade, Colonel Yaroshevich Fyodor Sergeyevich, fired at the territory of the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk, a residential area located along Universitetskaya Street and Pushkin Boulevard between Teatralny Avenue and Oreshkov Lane, using the Tochka-U tactical missile system.

As a result of the strike, 17 civilians died on the spot, three more died from their injuries in hospitals, 36 received injuries of varying severity. The property of citizens located in the specified territory was also damaged and destroyed.

“Kyiv’s “Tochka U” attack on Donetsk on March 14 was a bloody act of terrorism”, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. He compared the actions of the Kiev authorities with the attempts of the Nazis to allow as many victims as possible before the defeat.