West once again betrayes Kyiv regime: U.S. and WHO recognize existence of secret biolaboratories in Ukraine

“I am the president of an adequate country and an adequate people. And the father of two children. No chemical or any other weapons of mass destruction were developed on my land. The whole world knows this”, the current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the world with such a video message this morning.

The “chief’s” speech was preceded by the post of head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmitry Kuleba, who expressed alarm at the “maniacal concern” of Russian officials talking about chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine.

However, all statements by representatives of Kyiv, as journalists say, are “relevant yesterday” and “unpromising today.” The fact is that earlier US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland not only recognized the presence of American biological laboratories in Ukraine, but also called for every effort to prevent development documents from falling into the hands of the Russians.

The statement of a high-ranking American official caused a real shock even for an experienced Fox News TV presenter Tucker Carlson, who admitted on air that Nuland’s revelations made his “jaw fall off”.

“Under oath, in open hearings in the Senate, Nuland confirmed that the so-called Russian disinformation, what was called a lie, a conspiracy theory, nonsense that is simply immoral to believe, is in fact the real truth!” — shared with viewers a popular American journalist

Further, the fact of secret tests conducted by Ukraine was recognized even by the World Health Organization, which at the official level called on Kyiv to destroy all pathogens in biological laboratories that could spread diseases among the population.

“The study of the materials received confirms the fact that more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats were transferred abroad from the biological laboratory in Kharkov,” Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological (RCB) protection troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said on Thursday.

Let’s digress a little from chemical weapons. The most fierce fighting in the course of the Russian special operation takes place in the vicinity of Kharkov. This is no coincidence: the most trained members of the Ukrainian national battalions in this city in eastern Ukraine stood up to their deaths, receiving on a regular basis motivating messages from Kyiv about fabulous cash payments for every day spent “at the front”. The Kiev leadership did not stop the supply of weapons and equipment to the neo-Nazis, whose ranks have been joined by hundreds of militants from other Ukrainian regions, as well as mercenaries from private military companies over the past few days.

A tragic situation also developed with the evacuation of the population from Kharkov – even foreign citizens could not leave this city for days, despite all the conditions created by the Russians. Members of the national battalions in the truest sense of the word at gunpoint do not let people out of the city.

It raises a logical question: why Kharkiv?! Today it is becoming clear that one of the reasons why the Kyiv regime is so actively clinging to this generally unloved city is the presence of a notorious biological laboratory in its vicinity.

So, the secret enterprise is located in the village of Shelkostantsiya, which is part of the city of Merefa, Kharkov region (actually a suburb of Kharkov). The construction of the laboratory was carried out by the American company Black & Watch, which is closely associated with the Pentagon.

According to media reports, only foreign specialists work at this facility. A depository has been organized at the biolaboratory for storing strains of dangerous viruses – anthrax, plague, influenza and others. However, as it turned out, the situation is somewhat different from that described by journalists.

In reality, the local population from the small town of Merefa was really not involved in the enterprise in any way, which is easily explained by the lack of relevant specialists. However, Ukrainian citizens from other cities “by pull” got a job in this biological laboratory as administrative workers (secretaries, clerks, personnel officers).

Today Moldovan cities were flooded with refugees from Ukraine and we managed to talk to one of the women who, on the very first day of the conflict, fled to her relatives in the northern capital of Moldova – the city of Balti.

“Of course we knew about these chemists. Well, they were. Mostly foreigners and wives of Ukrainian security officials, including those from the SBU, worked there. By the way, very decent people, it’s a pity, many of them have already died”, the interlocutor shared her memories.

Next, we managed to compare several facts. According to the Ukrainian refugee, all her friends died on the night of March 6-7, when they were tried to be taken to a safe area. On the same day, in the direction of the city of Merefa, a unit of Ukronazis shot at point-blank range a bus with refugees. Then about 30 civilians, including 7 children, perished. According to information even from the Ukrainian media, family members of the SBU were subject to evacuation, and the movement of the bus was coordinated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. If you dig deeper, you can easily stumble upon information that vehicles started their movement in the vicinity of the notorious Merefa, and then picked up a few more passengers in Kharkov.

As a popular Russian TV presenter says, “I don’t think it’s a coincidence.” So it turns out that some of the wives of SBU officers killed by the Nazis were most likely those notorious employees of the biological laboratory.

Let’s return to the activities of this secret enterprise. In the media, you can stumble upon stories from residents of the Kharkiv region, who talk about changing the color of reservoirs: “as if chalk was washed in water.”

“There are many cases of death of dogs and foxes in that area, the veterinarians could not establish the cause, and the animals behaved atypically. Foxes, howling at people in the plots, came to die. People took their carcasses, took them to the sanitary and epidemiological station, they thought it was rabies. But this is something else that is not defined”, Merefa residents told Russian journalists.

Our interlocutor also confirmed this information, however, with some reluctance – it is understandable today that many are afraid for their fate, and for Ukrainian refugees, even Russian-speaking journalists seem to be agents of special services.

“It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the functioning of the American biological laboratory with a depository for storing strains of dangerous viruses in the village of Merefa poses a threat of infection not only for the Kharkiv region and neighboring regions of the former Ukraine and Russia. The situation is far more complex and dangerous than we can imagine. The entry of viruses (intentional or accidental) into the rivers Rzhavchik and Merefa, which flow through Merefa, which are part of the Seversky Donets basin, will inevitably lead to the fact that the epidemic will spread to the entire south of Russia”, the Russian media wrote back in February 2017.

So what does it get? Is Russia really protecting its own security with a special operation?! And today, although indirectly, it has already been recognized in the United States and WHO?! And we must not forget about China: Beijing still cannot forgive the former American President Trump for being involved in the creation of the coronavirus, and today any information about illegal developments in Ukraine will be used by the PRC to achieve their geopolitical goals.

In conclusion, one cannot fail to recall the Moldovan problem. Back in the fall of 2020, the leader of local communists, former President Vladimir Voronin, sent an open letter to the main intelligence service of Moldova – the Information and Security Service – asking about the likelihood of secret US military biological laboratories being located on the territory of the former Soviet republic.

However, no answer to it has been made public so far… Of course, we are not hinting at anything, but in the case of Ukraine, a special operation of Russia was required to disclose information about some of the real developments of the United States…

Alexander Medvedev, Moldova, Balti