Unobvious paradoxes of the Ukrainian crisis

Around Russia’s special operation to denazify Ukraine, a spiral of hybrid war is unfolding, where information shots and economic bombings are used. And everything seems to be clear and understandable, but the paradoxes that it highlighted were unexpectedly revealed

The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, behaves like the most influential figure from comic shows, Volodymyr Zelensky. This is perfectly understood in the issue of attitude towards their voters, who supported them in the elections.

Zelensky is currently doing everything to inflict maximum damage on his country through the measures taken in the military, political and economic fields.

But so does Biden. The sanctions imposed by the White House against Russia are hurting the wallet of the American layman. He will not let me lie, looking at the price tags posted at gas stations. Zelensky turned out to be completely incapable of negotiating, fixating on the same thing about Russia’s proposals. But Biden is different too. It is simply impossible to build a normal negotiation process with either one or the other.

And if everything is more or less clear with Vladimir Zelensky, he is not an independent political figure, but a puppet pulled by the strings hidden from the viewer’s eyes by puppeteers, then Joe Biden needs to be dealt with.

At first glance, it turns out that Zelensky bewitched or bit Biden, passing him the virus of political schizophrenia…

Let’s start with the fact that Zelensky is the heir to the Maidan-2014 – a coup d’état that took place in the conditions of mass psychosis produced by Western intelligence agencies, the media, social networks and Nazi groups.The seemingly respectable politician Biden, who, unlike Zelensky, has serious experience in party and state work, should differ in his behavioral stereotype and decisions from the Ukrainian precocious president.

But after all, how it turns out – differences can be found only in age and citizenship, and nothing else. And here, of course, I remember how “Sleepy Joe” got to the oval office in the White House.

If we discard all prejudices, then Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. came to power through … a typical Maidan. His predecessor, Donald Trump, managed the country well, raised economic indicators, and filled the pockets of Americans instead of emptying them. In this scenario, knowing the cynicism and mercantilism of American society, replacing Trump with Biden seems like idiocy. But it happened.

To remove Trump, marches of the racist BLM movement went through the streets of US cities. The media unleashed a war against the then incumbent president. The largest Western social networks without any fuss blocked the accounts of Trump and his supporters. And then the elections were brazenly rigged.

And so the coup d’etat took place in a “democratic” form. And do not say that the blood was not poured, it did. “Peaceful” BLM demonstrators beat and even killed their opponents. Moreover, their crimes were hushed up by the media, and the retaliatory actions of Trump supporters, and even ordinary apolitical Americans who defended personal property, were presented as acts of aggression.

So it turns out that Biden is actually an illegitimate president. However, Zelensky is no different from him in this, he got power after the illegal Kiev “junta” and Petro Poroshenko.

Zelensky and Biden are well aware of their position and play by the rules of the owners, and not for the interests of the countries they lead. Only behind the American president is the top of globalist circles, and behind Zelensky is the bottom, including Joe Biden himself.

Therefore, it is not worth seriously counting on the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis through negotiations with either Zelensky or Biden. Don’t negotiate with puppets. There is no point.

Alexey Sokolsky, Today.Ru