Russian Defence Ministry on the progress of the special operation

The Russian Defence Ministry’s latest statement reveals that the situation of citizens in Mariupol has reached catastrophic proportions as a result of the heinous actions of the nationalists and the city administration

It is also reported that a children’s hospital building in Sumy is being used by Ukrainian fascist units as a stronghold.

At 10:00, “silence regimes” were imposed on 13 gum corridors in Ukraine, and the Russian army has been rigorously enforcing them to date.

In response to the claim by the Ukrainian authorities that there are no people willing to leave through the humanitarian corridors to the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Defence has openly stated that this is a lie and an outright provocation.

“Since 09:57, continuous artillery and mortar fire, including at the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in the suburbs of Kiev, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Mariupol and in a number of other localities, as well as on humanitarian corridors initiated by the Ukrainian side, has virtually not stopped”, –  the agency says.

Nearly 180,000 people have been evacuated from the territory of Ukraine and the Luhansk and Donetsk people’s republics to Russia since the start of the military special operation.