Media says Ukrainian army loses most combat-ready units and formations

To date, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost the most combat-ready units and formations, as many professional officers, contract sergeants and conscripts laid down their arms and surrendered, the Kremlin laundrywoman Telegram channel writes.

“Now the backbone of the armed forces of Ukraine are radical nationalists, foreign mercenaries and recidivist criminals. The Kyiv elite released tens of thousands of prisoners from prisons, including those convicted of especially serious crimes (murderers, rapists, members of organized crime groups, etc.), and gave them weapons under the obligation to participate in hostilities against the Russian Federation Armed Forces”, writes the Telegram channel.

The authors of the channel emphasized that the released criminals use the issued weapons against peaceful Ukrainians. Earlier it was reported that cases of murders, looting, robberies and robberies have sharply increased in Ukraine. The civilian population is intimidated, in fear of the threat of possible violence from armed bandits, the Telegram channel noted.

It is also noted that the Kyiv junta exactly copies the tactics of its ideological predecessors – the leaders of the Third Reich, who used the youth of the “Hitler Youth” to defend Berlin and thereby doomed them to certain death.

“The territorial defense units accept minors who have not yet been shot at completely, youngsters who will inevitably die, probably even before they arrive at the front line […] It is possible that they will die at the hands of their own comrades from other territorial defense units or national battalions, since the identification system  “friend or foe” practically doesn’t work for Ukrainians,” summed up in the “Kremlin laundress”.

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