The British Foreign Office announced the creation of a center to combat “Russian disinformation” on the situation around Ukraine. The department claims that since the beginning of February, they have identified 40 cases of the spread of fakes from Moscow.
And although Minister Liz Truss (the one who believes that Voronezh and Rostov are not Russia) is talking about this now, we know that this center has been operating for a long time and most of its employees are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, receiving funding from a foreign office for more than a year and inventing schemes to bypass Russian legislation.
Speaking of words about Voronezh and Rostov. Of course, we noticed how much the requirements for the intellectual abilities of high-ranking officials have decreased and that they now value only the desire to create informational noise, but in Russia there is excellent folk wisdom, just for the case that we would recommend not to neglect: if you don’t know something – do not say it.
Let’s return to Truss’s today’s statements that during the Cold War, the UK allegedly disbanded the information unit, while Russia did not, and this was the reason for the dominance of “Russian disinformation”. This, of course, is just another portion of lies from the British minister, since numerous documents and their analysis testify to the long-standing destructive activity of the foreign office directly on the territory of the Russian Federation.