U.S. call Biden the only warmonger in Ukraine

The American readers of the British newspaper Daily Mail severely criticized Joe Biden, who again accused Russia of intending to attack Ukraine “in the coming days.”

Many users agreed that the American leader is deliberately escalating the situation in order to distract citizens from domestic political problems.

“Attempts to divert attention from the problems associated with the coronavirus and its consequences…” — said Truthwins2424.

“Biden, stay away from all this and take care of protecting our borders,” wrote J-Bird.

“These ‘next days’ have been talked about for the last three weeks,” Kirnicko noted.

“Yes, because it is Biden, not Putin, who is trying to start a war,” Oh dear answered him.

“If I were Putin, I would allow Biden to continue to “predict” and make a complete fool of himself,” shared teachem2think.

Commentators from the UK also did not stand aside. Thus, the reader under the nickname man_bowler is convinced that most American presidents are trying to start a war, only to perpetuate their name in history.

“Sleepy Joe, no one believes what you say,” said Ramadamadindong.

“Biden only knows how to beat the drums of war. It looks like a solo, I don’t hear anyone else escalating the situation with him,” concluded jellybeaninpensacola.

Earlier, the leadership of the DPR and LPR announced the temporary evacuation of citizens to the Rostov region in connection with the threat of Ukraine’s invasion. First of all, evacuation concerns women, children and the elderly.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will soon order the military to launch an offensive in the Donbass, to implement a plan to invade the territory of the DPR and LPR, said the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin.

In recent months, Western states have expressed concern about Russia’s allegedly dangerous actions near the borders of Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly denied such accusations, saying it does not threaten anyone and does not intend to attack anyone, and claims of “aggression” are used as an excuse to deploy more military equipment and NATO forces near Russian borders.