Britons mocked and condemned intelligence chief’s statement about Russian troops on border

British publication The Daily Mail has published a piece with a statement by the head of British military intelligence, General Jim Hockenhall, about an alleged build-up of “Russian troops on the border with Ukraine”

The article quotes the general’s statement, but he does not substantiate his words in any way. Therefore, the publication provoked an active response from readers in the comments.

“Nice try (again) but we know it’s all lies, Jim! We don’t believe you and clearly see you are pushing for war,” said user Stop This Madness.

“Your headline four days ago was “war in four days!” Stop inciting war, Daily Mail,” demanded Micky MOJO.

“So what happened on Wednesday?” – MynameisMYOB wondered.

“Thought they were going to attack on Wednesday – which year, by the way?” – davef wrote ironically.

“Wednesday has come and gone, Daily Mail,” Joshua Thornsberry pointed out.

“Intelligence ‘started’ the war since January, it’s time for them to shut up and quit brainwashing the West about Russia,” added Justanumberhudd.