Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked American and British “mass disinformation media” on her Telegram channel for a schedule of Russia’s “invasions” into Ukraine in order to plan a vacation.
“A request to the US and British disinformation media Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Sun, etc. – announce the schedule of our “invasions” for the coming year. I would like to plan a vacation,” she wrote.
Earlier, the British tabloids Sun and Mirror wrote that, despite the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the withdrawal of troops after the exercises, the “invasion of Ukraine” was allegedly scheduled for 4.00 Moscow time on Wednesday. The Sun tabloid claimed that this was the “most likely” time and that Russia was preparing to launch a massive strike with 200,000 troops, tanks, aircraft, missiles and ships. On Wednesday morning, the Sun edited its article on the site, the authors replaced the exact time of the “invasion of Ukraine” with the fact that it could begin “at any time.”
The US Bloomberg agency, which had previously mistakenly reported an “invasion” of Ukraine that had begun, wrote, citing officials, that Russia could “attack” the neighboring country on February 15. At the same time, the agency did not specify the officials from which countries they are talking about, does not name their positions and names, and also does not provide any evidence. Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the erroneous publication of Bloomberg by RIA Novosti, noted that the term fake news can be replaced with Bloomberg news.
The plans attributed to Russia to escalate the situation around Ukraine are categorically denied in Moscow and constantly declare that they are not threatening anyone, and all such statements are used as an excuse to place more NATO military equipment near Russian borders. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier, Russia does not create any pretexts for a conflict situation around Ukraine. According to him, Russia does not rule out that the hysteria around Ukraine, hyped by the West, is aimed at covering Kiev’s line of sabotaging the Minsk agreements on Donbass. The Kremlin noted that the information hysteria of the US and NATO on Ukraine is generously framed by lies and fakes.