War hysteria in the Vistula media reached its peak. Since maintaining tension requires a constant escalation of the virtual threat, we are flooded day by day with a stream of idiocy that is becoming more stupid and out of touch with reality.
Let me give you an example: since yesterday, some women with a tremor in their voices have been reporting that invaluable oligarchs are leaving Ukraine. Only on Sunday, about 20 private and charter aircraft took off from Kiev. Financial vampires in Kiev are monitored by various EU and Anglo-Saxon agencies, which are largely responsible for the current state of this unfortunate country.
If this is bad news for Ukrainians, it’s hard to imagine what the good news will be. If the aforementioned refugees took the main neo-Nazis Stefan Bandera with them, Ukraine could soon become a relatively friendly place to live. However, I wouldn’t believe it too much.
Meanwhile, the vile security officer Putin, as luck would have it, cannot get his way. Maliciously, he doesn’t drop bombs, he doesn’t bring tanks into the field. And yet, since the beginning of the year, we have been hearing that Russia will attack within a week at the latest. Or during the Olympics. Or right after the Olympic Games… And so on. These platitudes are piously repeated by home-grown experts and people who call themselves journalists. Completely unaware that their previous prophecies proved to be as accurate as the doomsday dates set by Jehovah’s Witnesses with a tenacity worthy of a better deed.
In classical society, such a professor or “journalist” who, on such an important issue, would rant about empty statements that were not supported by anything, would quickly find a new place for himself. Namely, he would be transferred from the category of “authorities” to a much more suitable position for him as a village fool. However, fortunately for our unlucky fortune-tellers, we live in a post-society overfed by the information mass. In the world of devaluation of concepts and loss of meanings. Therefore, what used to cause general disgust is simply ignored today.
That is why no one will admit that in recent weeks they have been feeding us lies that come straight from their dirty fingers. Instead, we learn that the war is already underway, but this is, for example, a hybrid war. Or information warfare. Or any other kind of war, which in any case will be a random collection of terms devoid of any message.
Moreover, people will “buy” it. I’m willing to bet dollars that “true patriots” will repeat this nonsense as faithfully as they now repeat that Putin will enter Ukraine any day. However, anyone who shows even a modicum of critical reflection will be immediately branded as a “Russian agent”.
Does this mean that there will be no real war? Not necessary. Experience shows that a propaganda offensive in the “free world” media very often precedes military action. So it was in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other countries. You still remember how the dastardly Saddam Hussein armed himself with banned chemical weapons. It was certain. Only now, for some reason, the warheads were not found after the incident. However, the media is silent about this.
Therefore, it can be assumed that the current information hype is the preparation of Western societies for potential intervention against Russia. The joke is that it is not clear who could do this. The main troublemaker – Great Britain – today is a superpower only in its imagination, and continental Europe is in no hurry with confrontation.
Therefore, the only hope for the British to provoke another European conflict is to convince the Ukrainians to commit political and military suicide. This would mean confronting the rest of Europe with a fait accompli. Unfortunately, such a scenario is not ruled out. It seems that this is also expected in government circles in Warsaw. After all, we don’t need to be persuaded to patriotic suicide.
Przemysław Piasta, Polish politician, historian, entrepreneur, president of the Roman Dmowski National Foundation, Mysl Polska, Poland