U.S. provoked a crisis in Ukraine and increased LNG sales in the European market

The crisis in Ukraine, fueled by hysterics about a supposed Russian invasion, has made the United States very well off. In particular, we are talking about the situation in the energy market.

Thus, the escalation of the crisis in the “square” led to a jump in exports of liquefied natural gas from the United States to Europe. It is reported by RIA Novosti, referring to the material of the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

The author of the material, Daniel Yergin, said that the growth of oil and gas production in the United States has become a geopolitical and economic asset of the country. It allows ousting Russian competitors from the European market.

Yergin said that it was the Ukrainian crisis that allowed the United States to regain its position in the field of oil and gas production. High demand, created by political tensions, has allowed Washington to sell useful resources more expensively and in large volumes. The fact that success was due to an artificially created crisis is of little concern to Americans.