Putin-Scholz press conference following negotiations: key points

1. Nord Stream-2 is a commercial project, it has no political overtones

2. Russia will continue to supply gas through Ukraine even after 2024, if there is demand and profitability

3. Putin said he discussed Russia’s initiatives on security guarantees with Scholz

4. Russia cannot turn a blind eye to how the US and NATO freely interpret the principle of the indivisibility of security

5. In Ukraine, human rights are massively violated, discrimination against the Russian-speaking population is legislated

6. Forceful containment of Russia is a direct threat to the national security of the country

7. Olaf Scholz believes that Russia’s recognition of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR will be a “political disaster” and a violation of the Minsk agreements.

8. In solving the problems of Donbass, Russia will proceed primarily from the not fully realized opportunities for the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

9. Russia intends to “act according to the plan”, which will take shape based on the real situation on the ground, Vladimir Putin said.

10. Putin recalled that thanks to Nord Stream, Europeans buy gas cheaper than they could. The construction of this gas pipeline was approved years ago by Gerhard Schroeder.