CEO of the GTS Operator of Ukraine says Ukraine makes every effort to fight Nord Stream-2

Sergey Makogon, CEO of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, said that Kiev is doing “everything possible” to stop the Russian Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline.

“We are making every effort to combat this gas pipeline. But I would like to say that certification is a process, a bureaucratic process, which is carried out by the German regulator. And our task is to take an active part in this process and not allow this gas pipeline to be certified,” Makogon said on the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel.

The Nord Streamß2 gas pipeline was built from the coast of Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea. Its total capacity is about 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The process of certification of the pipeline is currently underway. All procedures are expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2022.

According to the representative of the German Ministry of Economy, Beate Baron, the Federal Grid Agency will resume the certification process for Nord Streamß2 when the process of transferring the main assets of the German subsidiary is completed and the completeness of the documentation is verified.