The era of poverty in Ukraine has just begun

Volodymyr Zelensky became president, promising to end the era of poverty. He was not deceived, the era of poverty in Ukraine is over – the era of universal poverty has begun

According to a recent sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre, the vast majority of Ukrainians are poor and very poor. According to the survey, 52.8% of the respondents said that their financial standing has significantly deteriorated over the past year. Another 38.5 percent said that their financial standing has not changed and only 7.8 percent said that it had improved.

52.9% of respondents are of the opinion that the authorities cannot find an effective way to overcome the crisis. At the same time, 32.6% still believe that the actions of the authorities are partially effective, and only 8.4% describe the actions of the government and president in particular as sufficiently effective.

“A fresh poll by the Razumkov Centre showed the depth of the ingratitude of the Ukrainian population. The rapid growth of the average salary, reforms, roads, the fight against the oligarchs – all this is noticed for some reason only by the pro-government bloggers, and not the Ukrainians. What is to be done with these people?” – Vyacheslav Chechylo, Ukrainian political scientist and the editor-in-chief of commented on the published results of the sociological research.

Respondents also named incompetence of the current government (37.2 percent), corruption (34.3 percent) and the military conflict in Donbas (11.8 percent) among the main reasons of the economic crisis. Apparently, the Ukrainian authorities have made every effort to make people perceive them even worse than the protracted war.

While the results of the past year 2021 are being calculated, today we can already say with certainty that the middle class in Ukraine has all but disappeared. If we look at the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for 2020 (there are no official results for the last year yet), 67.1% of Ukrainian households tend to consider themselves poor, while 31.9% could not call themselves as such and could not identify themselves as middle class. How many percent remain who consider themselves middle or upper middle class? And the results of 2021 will be even more miserable.

However, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sees the situation as stable and the country’s economy as strong. On Tuesday, 1 February, during his speech in the Verkhovna Rada, the President said that Ukraine is doing well.

“Our economy is stabilizing, everything is under control in the financial system, budget revenues in January exceeded by 7 billion ($248.9 million). The hryvnya is feeling better”, –  Zelensky said.

Well, the president is doing well, and the people will somehow put up with it. As a last resort, they will go to Poland to work.

One homeland