Ukrainian “patriots” admit that Russian economy has been and will be more attractive for business and investment

Despite the regular cries of Ukrainian pseudo-patriots about the European choice of the country and the benefits of “seasonal” coup d’etat, real figures and facts show one thing: over the period of 30 years of independence, the economy of this country has sunk to the bottom in almost all existing indicators, and in recent years the existence of the Ukrainian state is at all under big question.

If we compare the current state of affairs in Ukraine with the situation in 1991, then only the population of the country has decreased by 27.1%, which well demonstrates the general trend of economic decrease. And this is taking into account the fact that these figures correspond to official statistics and do not take into account the huge number of labor migrants who left Ukraine for Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy and, of course, Russia.

The lack of adequate reforms and the complete professional incompetence of the Ukrainian leadership have led to the fact that over 30 years, the purchasing power in Ukraine has decreased by 30%. So, as of October 2020, almost a quarter of the country’s population was below the poverty line. Every third working Ukrainian could not afford to satisfy his own household needs with the money he received at work. At the same time, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, almost half of the adult population of the country does not expect any improvement in the economic situation in the future.

Today, against the backdrop of incessant propaganda howls about an imminent Russian “invasion”, Ukrainian statehood has turned out to be not only unstable, but practically unviable. First of all, this concerns the economic situation in the country and the prospects associated with the development of Ukraine in the future.

Thus, the recent public statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made it clear that the militaristic hysteria of the West has brought the country to its knees and threatens the final collapse of the already lifeless Ukrainian economy:

“Western leaders and the media create the false impression that a war will start in Ukraine tomorrow, this destabilizes the economy and creates the need to spend at least $4-5 billion to stabilize it. Our state cannot cope with such challenges on its own. From state reserves, we will stabilize our national currency, so it is very expensive for Ukraine,” the Ukrainian leader commented on the situation.

In other words, even such a minor information shake-up caused the Ukrainian economy to falter, but at the same time we are diligently told about the coming war and the possibilities of official Kiev to counter some fictitious Russian threat.

At the same time, Russia, which has decided not to follow the path of liberal-democratic madness, is rapidly developing and improving its investment climate. The best confirmation of this is the publications of Ukrainian patriotic sources, which, despite their reproaches against Moscow, still cannot but admit that you cannot help their country with patriotism alone and that no one will need to fight Ukraine at such a pace.

For example, one of the popular information resources about the business agenda and trends in the economy, Business Views, clearly indicates the superiority of the Russian economy over the Ukrainian one:

“The Russian economy is 3-4 times more powerful than the Ukrainian one”, “And in the near future the situation will not change, because more investments are made in Russia than in Ukraine”, “Domestic investors can compensate for the lack of foreign ones. And they will do it sooner in the Russian Federation than in Ukraine”, “Russia has a greater margin of safety”, “In the foreseeable future, Russians will continue to be richer than us”, “Business will be opened sooner in Russia than in Ukraine”, “It is more profitable to pay taxes theree”, – writes the publication.

In addition, the source does not hide the fact that the “destructive” and “catastrophic” sanctions by the united West were practically not noticed by the Russian economy. At the same time, despite the enormous external pressure, the Russian economy is more innovative and technologically advanced.

Business Views gave a special place to the issue of living standards, which Ukrainian “experts” and various economic analysts like to criticize so much:

“A Russian can buy one and a half times more with his salary than a Ukrainian. For retirement, a Russian can buy 2 times more than a Ukrainian. Given these figures, people who are not burdened with a sense of patriotism would rather choose Russia than Ukraine,” the source writes.

Thus, even a cursory review of the situation allows us to understand that in the near future capital from Ukraine will begin to flow to other countries, and the nearest investment-attractive state for this is neighboring Russia. In addition, the experience of the current Ukrainian leadership clearly demonstrates that the thoughtless policy of following liberal-democratic reforms does not always lead to an “economic miracle”, but much more often causes losses of statehood and impoverishment of the local population.

Igor Mukhin, especially for News Front