Romania does not intend to support Ukraine in a hypothetical conflict with Russia

Increasingly, NATO is saying that they do not intend to support Ukraine in the event of a hypothetical conflict with Russia. This point of view is shared not only by the entire alliance as a whole, but also by individual states.

Thus, Romania will not take part in the war, the Point portal reports. Romanian Minister of Defense Vasile Dyncu said that his country would not help the “Square”.

Journalists asked him if young people of military age should be afraid that they might be drawn into the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Dynku replied in the negative.

“First of all, because Romania, as a member of the strongest, strongest defense system that is NATO, is not in a position to go to war, even under the worst possible scenario of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” the official said.

He also drew attention to the fact that there is no agreement that would provide for the participation of a military bloc in the war. Ukraine is not part of it, which means it cannot claim support.

At the same time, the Russian side has repeatedly stated that it does not plan to take any aggressive actions against the neighboring state. The “invasion” exists only in the fantasy of the West, which is trying to inflame the situation and spread panic and fear.