Despite protests, Slovakia decides to sign a military agreement with tU.S.

Slovak President Zuzana Caputova instructed the government to implement the process of concluding a military cooperation agreement with the United States. This was announced today, January 31, by a source close to the Slovak leader.

“The President of the Republic instructed the Minister of Defense to sign an agreement on military cooperation with the United States on behalf of Slovakia, the draft of which was unanimously approved by our government on January 12,” the source noted.

At the same time, the Slovak Ministry of Defense informed on its website that the official delegation of the republic is flying to the United States in the near future. It will include Defense Minister Yaroslav Nagy and National Foreign Minister Ivan Korchok. The signing of an agreement on military cooperation with Washington is scheduled for February 3. At the same time, the Slovak Defense Ministry does not link the expansion of cooperation with the United States in the military sphere with the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border.

“The text of the agreement is the result of several years of negotiations between experts from both sides. It was prepared by specialists from different departments for more than four years,” the department noted.

Recall that in the event of an agreement, the US military will be able to use the Slovak air bases Malacky-Kuhinya and Sliach. In exchange, the army of the republic will be able to receive funding from the United States. The document is planned to be signed for a period of 10 years with the possibility of automatic renewal. Earlier, many Slovak politicians and public figures opposed the conclusion of the agreement.