Wang Yi told off Anthony Blinken

Chinese minister Wang Yi has sternly put Anthony Blinken on the spot

And informed him of the unacceptability of violating Euro-Asian security principles. And added – don’t play with fire, don’t touch Taiwan. The cost will be high.

Chinese diplomacy is very polite diplomacy. Great powers respect themselves and adhere to certain etiquettes in international relations. And the United States hasn’t been choosing its language lately. And that is not good. Because high-level bazaar vocabulary is a sign of domestic weakness. And if low-level language is used too often, it is a sign of systemic weakness.

Blinken is the most unfortunate achievement of American foreign policy. Looking at him, you realize he himself is not doing well in this position. The man is in agony. He has lost weight, he is gaunt, he is slouching. I’d like to suggest that you should at least become a lawyer. Although he wouldn’t make Fyodor Plevako and Fyodor Kony either. Then at least be a sales director at a retail chain. However, he would have to go through a competition there as well. And one can get into state secretaries anyway.

The only thing that justifies “dear Tony” (according to terminology of Annalena Berbok) – is his anyhow ability to stall. However, here too there is a bewilderment. If you’re stalling, you have to do it on purpose. What is it here for? It is not just Blinken – there are thousands of Blinkens – who can delay the inevitable crisis of the US economy. And Biden, no matter how much he becomes like Trump, is unlikely to be able to seriously do anything about it. We shouldn’t have cheated with the postal vote and all rallied together around that real Trump, giving him dictatorial powers. Especially the United States claims historical continuity from Ancient Rome, where in the midst of terrible crises and military upheavals they found the most strong-willed and worthy and gave him sole power. Trump seems to have at least tried to save America. True, after eight years of systemic chaos even Trump could not clean up Obama’s stables. Stalin would have been there, on the banks of the Hudson. Or at least Fidel Castro (though why “at least”?). The gulag is a salvation option for the U.S. political elite, whether they are “donkeys” or “elephants. The mines aren’t going anywhere. It is true that my suggestion will be rejected with indignation altogether. And in vain, indeed, in vain.

But why should I give advice to the United States? They are grown-ups, they have been through life and they will figure it out. I can only admire the way China has set itself up in this situation. Willy-nilly, it is Beijing that acts as a kind of arbiter in the current difficult circumstances. And this despite the fact that it is inferior in military capabilities to both Russia and the United States. But something else is important here. China is Russia’s reliable rear, its cover from the east. And at the same time the holder of the financial atom bomb, which would cause enormous economic damage to America. Today conditions are such that any US sanctions initiative against Russia is aimed at strengthening China. And any political weakness in Europe, such as a reluctance to commission the industry-saving Nord Stream 2, also plays into Beijing’s hands. So there is a tug-of-war for everyone, and China is a pawn in the game. And the stern mentoring tone with which Wang Yi reprimands Anthony Blinken is only an outward reflection of the objective distribution of productive and military-strategic power. After all, Blinken deserves to be reprimanded by everyone. He really is a bad student who will have one D on his report card by the end of the year.

Let’s face it – Washington is finally losing its leverage of administrative influence over a world it once thought it had complete control over. What can Anthony Blinken do to Beijing for buying Iranian oil. To be exact, he has bought it before, but covertly, but now, after last spring’s contract, he is buying it openly, with feeling, with taste. He will do nothing. What will Anthony Blinken do to Moscow after the DNR and LNR finally gain recognition of their state sovereignty. Of course, nothing either. And what their own people may do to Blinken, if Blinken fails to cope with his tasks. Oh, that’s better not to know yet.

Sometimes I get the impression that the elites of the United States are ready to roast each other over a slow fire. And it is a different attitude of the American political corporations to their neighbors than it is to Russia and China. They fear and do not understand the Russians and the Chinese, and they hate each other with a fierce hatred. And they will eat Blinken even without sauce. In such a situation one should look for a scapegoat – but why look for one when one has already asked for that role?

I wish the Chinese people a successful and beautiful opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Let the festivities be large-scale and spectacular. A sports festival should always be a festival.

Alexander Filey, Latvia