“Long talk to the Russians” – Berlin has found a way to stabilise the world

Germany is getting closer to Russia, which worries the West amid the Ukraine crisis

Berlin’s Western allies are outraged amid close talks between Russia and Germany, giving up hope of German support in the event of an escalation of the conflict in the Nezalezhnaya. Publicist Andreas Kluth described the strange signs of “Russophilia” in an article for Bloomberg.

“To this false pacifism is mingled a strange kind of Russophilia, usually accompanied by poorly disguised anti-Americanism”, –  the publicist wrote.

The US publication’s negative comments were aimed at the current government of Germany, which urges the collective West to sit down with the Russian side to negotiate with a view to stabilizing the situation in the world. Apparently, most members of the Western establishment still do not understand that the Germans’ call to “talk long with the Russians” is the only true solution to avoid military clashes and further escalation of the conflict.

Earlier, News Front reported on Germany’s close historical ties with Russia, which prevents the West from pressuring Moscow.