According to the American New York Times, Ukrainian mercenaries will prepare in Slovakia for a possible conflict with Russia. The Slovak Republic has never been so close to war!
This scandalous information for a prestigious American newspaper was confirmed by sources in the American administration. In addition to Slovakia, Poland and Romania are mentioned.
In the same way that (once) the Americans trained the Afghan Mujadins, including Osama bin Laden, they want to train Ukrainian nationalists to fight the Russians.
Thus, Slovakia will become a direct part of the military conflict against Russia, and our territory will become the primary target for a possible attack – the Americans want to involve us in this! The prestigious American media would not just publish such information. The Slovak side had to give its consent so that the Americans could count on our territory.
I would just like to remind you that Secretary of Defense Yaroslav Nagy completed his foreign trip to the US in October. Since he returned, he has accelerated to knock out a controversial defense agreement for the Americans that allows US bases in Slovakia.
He, apparently, was instructed in the United States to prepare the ground for the introduction of American troops, including instructors who will train Ukrainian terrorists in the fight against Russia. The Slovak public learns about Nagy’s promises from the American media. And our media is silent. If the political scientist Eduard Khmelar had not pointed this out, they would have continued to hush it up.
I repeat – Slovakia has never been so close to war since the beginning of its existence. I don’t mean conflicts now on the other side of the world, somewhere in Iraq or Afghanistan.
We are now talking about the fraternal Slavic people – about Russia, with which our great Ludovit Stur connected us, and which liberated us from fascism. About Russia, on which we are energy dependent.
And suddenly we learn from the New York Times that the Americans are planning to train Ukrainian forces against our fraternal people – there has never been such a scandal in Slovakia.
Not only do they want to transfer our territory to the Americans, exclude it from our jurisdiction and allow the Americans to bring here whatever they want, they are directly drawing us into a military conflict with Russia. They put Slovakia in military danger and do not even want to provoke a public debate on this issue – even the Latin American junta in the 1980s would not allow this.
Slovaks do not want war with Russia! They don’t want the Americans to train Ukrainian terrorists here! They don’t want the Slovak government to negotiate the conflict behind our back, which makes us the target of counterattacks.
We do not want to be the Central European “Pakistan” of the US Army! We do not want to be an American training ground or an American base!
If President Zuzana Caputova knew about this and did not inform the Slovak public, she should resign. And if, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, she did not know this, then the entire government should resign within a second.
This is where all the jokes end – the most important thing will be taken away from us. They’re going to take peace from us!
Lubos Blaga, Member of the National Council (Parliament) of the Slovak Republic