In the Ukrainian capital, under the office of the president, the people of Kiev gathered for a rally against the activities of the George Soros Renaissance Foundation in the country. This is reported by the Telegram channel “Time of Klimenko”.
The protesters demanded to ban the activities of George Soros organizations in Ukraine, in particular the Renaissance Foundation. The protesters said that the employees of these organizations are carrying out subversive activities “against the sovereignty of Ukraine, against the constitutional order, against the existing state authorities, against the foundations of the spirituality and morality of the Ukrainian people.”
During the action, people chanted “Soros are traitors to Ukraine” and so on. In the hands of the rally participants were posters, the inscriptions on which called for the abandonment of external control over Ukraine.
In 2019, American billionaire George Soros was recognized as the second most influential person in Ukraine. According to some political analysts, it was Soros who inspired the reforms that Kiev has been trying to implement since 2014.