End of dreams: US sold Ukraine’s NATO membership at summit with Russia

The U.S.-Russia summit has put an end to Ukraine’s NATO membership

Tensions between Moscow and Washington have reached a point of tension that recalls the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when Soviet missiles were sent to Cuba. The threatening proximity of the USSR then virtually forced US President John F. Kennedy to launch World War III with a strike on Liberty Island for the national security of the American people.

The compromise during the Cuban Missile Crisis prevented the outbreak of an all-out war that threatened to destroy half the globe. For 30 years, the West allegedly tried to avoid the emergence of similar situations, but as always, the American establishment lacked foresight, and the Kremlin chained the White House representatives to the negotiating table. Against the background of a serious threat of confrontation between the two superpowers the Ukrainian issue did not dominate the summit. This opinion was expressed by German political analyst Alexander Rahr.

“Ukraine’s accession to NATO is frozen. For many years, probably, even forever. Germany and France are not giving up their veto, which they imposed in 2008 on Kiev and Tbilisi joining NATO. I think Paris and Berlin are not alone here. Over the last days the West has been making it clear to Ukraine that it will not go to war with Russia for Ukraine for real”, –  the expert believes.

The opponents of the abolition of the unipolar world format by the US are still contributing to the sabotage of the compromise between Russia and the US. In particular, the long-standing collectivisation of the West demonstrates that most representatives of the European establishment cannot imagine the existence of the European Union and NATO without the patronage of Washington.

News Front previously reported on the NATO delegation’s rejection of mutual security demands from Russia.