No illusions: US will not compromise with Russia on security guarantees

The US-Russia talks in Geneva will not end with any breakthroughs, reports PolitRussia

The highest American establishment flatly refuses to admit that they have broken the promise made to Moscow not to expand NATO eastwards. According to political analyst Grigory Mironov, the US liars are condemning negotiations with Moscow to the absence of any specific compromises at their conclusion.

“Although the talks will bring some element of détente in interstate relations, one cannot expect anything concrete from them anymore”, –  the expert believes.

Washington’s main dream is to create a reliable and free source of resources from Russia’s superpower, deprive Moscow of influence in the global community, and further reshape US foreign policy towards the Chinese direction.

“A strong Russia terribly irritates American politicians and elites. The U.S. is afraid of losing its dominant position in the world”, – the publication writes.

The discouraging prognosis for the talks that have started in Geneva does leave hope for an epiphany on the part of the American authorities on the issue of universal security. Such situation poses a serious threat to the integrity of Europe and further impairs the geopolitical stability of the world. For this reason, the very fact of ongoing negotiations is a serious step towards resolving the dispute.

“Clarifying the issue of missile deployment or military exercises in Europe requires at least some kind of interaction”, –  Mironov concluded.

Recall that the talks between Russia and the US on security guarantees will be held on January 9 and 10, 2022. During the dialogue, Moscow will urge Washington to abandon its aggressive policy of NATO.

Earlier, News Front reported on the completion of the first and main stage of the Russian-American talks in Geneva.