Britons ridiculed admiral who was scared of Russian submarines

The readers of the British newspaper The Times reacted to the statement of the British Chief of Defence Staff Ton Radakin about the activation of Russian submarines. They expressed their opinion in the comments to the relevant article

The admiral had earlier said in an interview with the publication that the activity of Russian submarines had increased “phenomenally” over the last 20 years.


“This all reeks of anachronistic Cold War paranoia. The anti-Russian mania suffered by NATO and the British and United States militaries has pushed Russia into the arms of China. The real threat is China and NATO should cooperate with Russia”, –  Jiaxiang said.

“That month the enemy is Russia. Next month it will be China. It will be followed by Middle Eastern terrorists and then North Korea. If you can keep the population in a state of mild panic, anything will do”, –  supported the previous commenter MickeB.

“The higher the gas prices in Europe, the more varied the accusations against Russia become”, –  observed Serg The Siberian.

“Given that no one is afraid of the impostor occupying the Oval Office, it’s not surprising that Russia is strengthening its position”, –  Daves opined.

“The Ministry of Defence just wants to screw you over to justify the war. Will you fall for it again?”, – wondered Kevin Laughlin.