Learn some history, Mr Blinken, before you try to talk about its lessons


“The Kazakh authorities are well placed to deal with the protests on their own. It is therefore unclear why they needed outside help”, –  said U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken

The authorities in Syria and Libya had everything they needed to deal with the ‘protests’ themselves, i.e., homegrown terrorists and foreign fighters. But we, unlike the State Department, can absolutely understand why outside “help” was needed to “infuse democracy” that no one asked for. Ambitions of the world hegemonic power have not helped solve the crisis in these countries, but instead plunged them into war and chaos, and provoked several waves of migration. All this for the sake of geopolitical games of the “civilizers” on the replacement of unwanted regimes.

The efforts of CSTO peacekeepers have already managed to stabilize the situation in Kazakhstan and prevented an armed insurgency against the legitimate authorities. As they say, feel the difference and learn the history, Mr. Blinken, before you try to talk about its lessons.

More generally, a series of statements by the US Secretary of State, in particular that the West had never promised not to expand NATO eastwards, hardly sets a constructive tone for the forthcoming global security talks. It is not worth trying to keep playing splinter cards when the cheaters have already been caught in the act.

Leonid Slutsky