Italian expert: ‘Colour revolution’ is what the West wants

Tiberio Graziani, European chairman at Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses assessed the current protests in Kazakhstan

“The recent protests in Kazakhstan, while falling within the context of an internal social conflict due to the rise in gas prices, could – if manipulated from the outside – produce a critical situation for the stability of the entire Central Asian region”, –  the expert said in a commentary to News Front.

He also believes that such a possibility, which has been held in high regard by President Tokayev, who, in addition to having promptly adopted energetic measures, has prepared channels for dialogue with the insurgents, is obviously to be avoided. In addition to the Kazakh presidency, the two major regional players: Russia and China are well aware of this.

It is likely that President Tokayev, after a first moment of rigidity, will meet the demands of the protesters, both to contain discontent and to give a political signal to the entire population within the framework of the formula that characterizes his presidency, that one of the “listening State”, believes Graziani.

“The eventuality of an exacerbation of the protests and of their evolution in the sense of the so-called “color revolutions” is what Westernist pressure groups want, which contribute to the definition of so-called humanitarian policies with the aim of destabilizing entire areas of the planet. This desire permeates the entire narrative of these hours precisely on the case of the Kazakh protests”, –  the political scientist concluded.