Political scientist told how the Kiev regime will finally destroy the economy of Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate rapidly: both capital and the able-bodied population immediately leave the country.

This is the conclusion reached by political scientist Vladimir Karasev. On the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel, he commented on the current situation of the “Square”. This is reported by the portal “Lenta”.

The expert noted that Ukraine is currently the only country in such a difficult situation. It is compounded by demographic problems. Ukraine has the oldest population in Europe.

Moreover, the economy is in dire straits. According to Karasev, the complex economy was completely destroyed and now it is a single-industry one. He called Ukraine “the corn champion”.

The current regime has not developed an economic doctrine and relies only on funds that Ukrainians transfer to their families from earnings abroad. However, this approach no longer works. Now, leaving abroad, Ukrainians prefer to stay there and transport their loved ones there.