Gas transit from Russia through Ukraine almost halved

The transit of Russian gas to Slovakia through Ukraine has dropped sharply since January 1, 2022. The last time such a low figure was back in January.

The RIA Novosti edition, referring to Reuters, reports that the Slovak gas transport operator Eustream also told about the reduction in fuel pumping. Previously, 84 million cubic meters of gas passed through the Velke Kapushany border crossing, but now only 49. That is, the volume fell by 41.7%.

The reduction in transit is due to the fact that the Russian company Gazprom does not reserve the capacity of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. This decision is made against the background of the fact that some clients from Germany and France and other European countries have already chosen all annual contract volumes and are no longer submitting bids.

Gazprom stressed that it is, nevertheless, ready to supply additional volumes of gas under long-term agreements and to do it cheaper than the spot price.