Former adviser to the President of Ukraine accused Russia of ruining the dream of joining NATO

In Ukraine, they are increasingly beginning to understand that dreams of joining the North Atlantic Alliance will remain just dreams.

The former adviser to the President of Ukraine Valeriy Ivasyuk is sure of this, according to RIA Novosti. On the air of the “NASH” TV channel, he said that NATO would cease to exist before the “independent” would be able to join there.

At the same time, the ex-official considers Russia to be the main culprit of the “extinction” of the military bloc. Allegedly, as long as it “exists in the format in which it exists now,” the North Atlantic Alliance is under threat.

Apparently, Ivasyuk speaks of the reluctance of the Russian Federation to admit a potential enemy to its borders and projects on security guarantees. Moscow has offered NATO and Washington an agreement that stipulates the non-expansion of the bloc eastward to Russian territories.