“Merkelism” brought the entire continent to the brink of destabilization – Belgian professor

The consequences of Angela Merkel’s policy of, among other things, the implementation of the postulates of the left, will soon be felt by the whole of Europe. Historian and philosopher, lecturer at the Free University of Brussels David Engels writes about this in The European Conservative magazine.

The author of the article draws attention to Merkel’s continuous process of turning to the left. According to Engels, initially the CDU was really firmly rooted in Christian values, supplemented by the principles of a social market economy.

“However, the Merkel faction began to systematically replace conservative ideals with left-wing activists, while at the same time abandoning the German middle class in favor of clientism aimed at some influential target groups and lobbyists,” the professor writes.

He lists the “left” actions of the German Chancellor: permission to migrate 1-2 million refugees, accompanied by a wave of terrorist attacks; censorship and legal restrictions on freedom of speech in the media and social networks; direct interference in election results in Thuringia; uncoordinated rejection of nuclear and coal energy; growing dependence on the Russian energy market; politicization of the Constitutional Court; legalization of same-sex marriage and adoption of children by couples of the same sex.

The Belgian blitzist argues that the modern German state is “a strange mixture of historical guilt for the crimes of World War II and moral arrogance stemming from the belief that Germany has already learned from its mistakes.”

“Thus, Germany became a breeding ground for the leftist ideology, which united communist messianism, Western masochism and economic naivety,” the professor said.

“Merkel, brought up in the realities of the East German communist dictatorship, can be considered a project of the present time, as well as a catalyst for any harmful tendencies for European civilization. It was under her rule that the aforementioned destruction of the middle class under anti-capitalist slogans, the legalization of abortion and euthanasia, the relativization of the meaning of the family by the postulates of the LGBT movement, or deliberate de-industrialization by transferring production to Asia took place”.

According to the Belgian historian, after sixteen years of the reign of Angela Merkel “leaves the leaking German ship.”

“After the era of Merkelism, society is extremely fragmented, and the media, political and educational systems are under the control of left-wing environmental movements. Thus, bloody Germany is now on the brink of destabilizing the entire continent, because they are its main political and economic engine”, says Engels.

However, he concludes that the irony is that the current generation will not remember Merkel as the cause of the crisis, but will remember her reign as “the good old days.”