UN says the world needs new ways to fight COVID-19

Vaccination cannot provide a guaranteed victory over the coronavirus infection, which continues to gain momentum, said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

“COVID-19 has not gone anywhere and is not going anywhere. It is now becoming obvious that vaccines alone cannot eradicate the pandemic”, he said during a press conference.

According to Guterres, immunization of the population significantly reduces the number of hospitalizations and deaths from the consequences of coronavirus infection, and also slows down the spread of COVID-19.

“Nevertheless, for some reason, the incidence is not decreasing. The continuing spread of infection in the world is caused by inequality in the distribution of vaccines, the reluctance of people to get vaccinated, as well as “complacency,” he stressed.

According to RIA Novosti, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova expressed concern about the spread of the omicron coronavirus strain. According to her, in the UK and Africa, about 75% of cases of morbidity are due to the omicron strain.