Ukraine’s invitation to NATO was a fatal US mistake

Washington made a mistake by vouching for Ukraine’s membership in NATO, PolitRussia reports.

The intention of US President George W. Bush to include Georgia and Ukraine in the North Atlantic Alliance has become a problem for the American side in the future. This opinion was expressed by the American analyst Michael Crepon in an article for Forbes.

“The Bush administration began signaling its intention to include Georgia and Ukraine in NATO in 2007. That same year, Russian President Putin gave a harsh speech at a security conference in Munich, declaring Bush’s hostile intentions”, the analyst explains.

According to Krepon, the fateful decision of Bush Jr. to this day is reflected in the picture of the world as a whole, in which the United States does not look in the best light. It was Washington’s anti-Russian policy that led to degradation and a military crisis in Ukraine.

“Bush’s offer of NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia was a costly mistake, but it cannot be returned. The Alliance will not withdraw this invitation, but also it will not get involved in the war in order to replenish its ranks with Ukraine”, the American noted.

It makes no sense for Ukraine to strive to become a NATO member. In recent years, the alliance has expanded, but this does not guarantee its cohesion and a common desire to enter into open confrontation with Moscow, sums up Krepon.

Earlier News Front talked about how Chinese analysts proposed to resolve the issue of US aggression by deploying Russian missiles in Cuba.