Former Prime Minister of Ukraine says USA needs 5-6 million Ukrainians for service personnel

The United States is interested in the fact that as few Ukrainians as possible live in Ukraine. All you need is the minimum required for the service staff.

This is the conclusion reached by the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. In an interview with journalist Dmytro Vasiltsov, he told how many people Washington needs, reports the edition.

He noted that the destruction of Ukrainian medicine, which should have protected the country’s population, began with the Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun, who was appointed to this post by Washington. The pandemic, which Ukraine cannot cope with as a result of its work, continued its “glorious work.”

Azarov noted that Washington does not need 50 or 30 million people to live on the territory of Ukraine. It will be enough 5-6 million, which will carry out the work of the service personnel. The mortality rate now only pleases the Americans.

At the same time, medicine has long become a luxury in Ukraine, available only to the rich. And there are a minimum of them in the country, who prefers to solve their health problems abroad. Moreover, even a high price tag does not provide quality services.