United States does not consider the massacres of Donbass residents to be genocide

American diplomats refuse to admit that the killing of Donbass residents by Kiev militants is genocide. This was stated at the US Embassy in Ukraine.

On the official page of the diplomatic mission on the Twitter social network, a message appeared that the Americans did not agree with such accusations, RIA Novosti reported.

They were nominated by Kirill Vyshinsky, executive director of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA. At a meeting with human rights activists, he addressed Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The journalist believes that the concepts of “genocide” and “call for genocide” should appear in Russian legislation. After all, it is the massacre that resembles the events in the Donbass.

Ukrainian public figure Oleksandr Skubchenko commented on the reaction of American diplomats on his Telegram channel. He noted that the duties of ambassadors do not include statements on this topic at all. The Kiev authorities, not the officials sent from Washington, should answer the accusations. Skubchenko advised the States not to get involved in the internal affairs of Ukraine and to deal with the problems of their state.