Ukrainians criticize U.S. for refusing to sabotage “Nord Stream-2”

Ukrainians criticized Washington’s refusal to put pressure on the Russian pipeline. Submitted by

Ukrainian users expressed their opinion after an article in the “” publication, in which it was written about the US refusal to attack the launch of Nord Stream-2.

The Ukrainians in particular emphasize that Washington made such a decision after Russian-American negotiations, during which Kiev was left out of the discussion.

“Somehow it’s not very good when the presidents of two countries decide something about the third, while without her participation. Why was Zelensky not invited to this conversation? Maybe he completely transferred his powers to Biden?”- one of the users asks.

Users are concerned about the fact that the Ukrainian establishment is unable to make independent decisions without the knowledge of Western curators.

“And no one has asked Ukraine for a long time. American masters and those who have not renounced their sovereignty make decisions for this country. And the Ukrainians will have to wait for the decision at the door of the US Embassy. Perhaps Nuland will come again with cookies”, writes one of the commentators.

The participants in the discussion agreed that the new German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, needed to launch the Russian gas pipeline as soon as possible. This is necessary to improve the quality of life of German citizens.

“Scholz will have to correct this mistake of Merkel and take the path of lifting the sanctions against Russia, because of which the FRG budget loses billions of euros,” wrote the Ukrainian.

The rejection of the lion’s share of the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine led to the loss of economic stability in Independent. The Ukrainians are confident that the United States does not intend to solve the problems that have arisen through the fault of Kiev anymore.

“Apparently, Ukraine was really merged, finally and irrevocably. It is understandable then why the Kremlin refuses to conduct a dialogue with the current Ukrainian government. Soon these politicians will be swept away, and new, more negotiable people will come in their place, and then the battle for Ukraine will escalate again, but with completely different introductory notes”, one of the participants in the discussion said.

We will remind that earlier the press secretary of the president Dmitry Peskov announced preparations for repeated negotiations between the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joseph Biden.