Javelin will not help Ukraine in case of hypothetical conflict with Russia – US media  

Popular Mechanics columnist Kyle Mizokami wrote that the Ukrainian army will simply not have enough FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile systems in case of war with Russia

The author cited data that Ukraine bought the first 210 missiles and 37 command and control launchers from the United States in 2018, with another 150 and ten more later.

“And despite the effectiveness of the systems to allow the gunner to seize the target, shoot it and flee to safety, this number of FGM-148 Javelin will only be enough for Ukraine to equip three of its 28 Ukrainian battalions”, –  Mizokam notes.

In addition, the journalist added that these units are vulnerable to artillery fire because they are usually mounted on light armoured personnel carriers that lack heavy armour protection.

Therefore, in the event of a military clash, the FGM-148 Javelin will play only a secondary role