Guancha Chinese readers condemn US empty promise policy

Readers of the Chinese edition of Guancha are outraged by the duplicity of the policies of the United States and its NATO partners. This is reported by FAN.

Chinese readers commented on the talks between President Putin and his American counterpart Biden in a rather harsh manner, arguing that trust in the North Atlantic Alliance and Washington is wrong.

“Organizing collective military exercises at the door of someone else’s home, deploying offensive weapons, assembling and ratifying them, and then claiming that someone else is a real threat! What kind of twisted logic? Have your brains run out”, one of the readers asked.

In the opinion of the participants in the discussion, Moscow is starting to cooperate with Beijing more and more precisely because of the constant deception and duplicity of representatives of the Western world.

“How are NATO guarantees different from toilet paper? “There is real benefit from toilet paper!” One of the readers comments.

Earlier, the Financial Times announced that President Biden is making political concessions to Russia, promising his Russian counterpart Putin to hold a summit on the Kremlin’s concerns about NATO expansion.