Former deputy head of the Pentagon proposed to disconnect the Russian Federation from SWIFT

In the United States, the idea was voiced to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system. True, they do not dare to permanence such an idea and they propose to do this for only a few days.

The author of this “bright” thought was Jan Brzenski, the son of political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski, Izvestia reports. From 2001 to 2005, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the United States.

Bzhensky argues that certain restrictions on Russia should be applied now. In his opinion, it is possible to delay payments for gas and oil and disconnect the country from SWIFT. He announced this position on the air of the YouTube channel Ukraine.

The topic of “containment” of Russia is raised with enviable consistency. Most often, it is the States that are concerned about this issue. Bzhensky added that an integrated approach is needed here. Apparently, in this way he is hinting that it is necessary to strike at all possible points and to do it with the active support of all the “partners” of the Americans.