The incidence of COVID-19 continues to decrease in Russia

For the fourth week in a row, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection has been decreasing in Russia. Over the past seven days, 3.3% fewer cases of COVID-19 were detected than in the previous days, TASS reports.

“From November 29 to December 5, the headquarters registered 231,240 cases of infection against 239,215 for the period from November 22 to 28. The number of cases again turned out to be less than the number of those who recovered – 234,295 people were cured in Russia in a week”, the agency noted.

In addition, the number of deaths from the consequences of coronavirus infection is also decreasing in Russia. Over the past week, the headquarters recorded 8,523 deaths.

Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg, said that revaccination with a drug in the form of a nasal powder does not cause side effects. And about. German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the residents of Germany for the last time and called for vaccination against coronavirus infection with any available vaccines.